Whistleblower protection

The protection of persons withn the European Union who report breaches of Union law is ensured by Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019. This Directive obliged JP - PROLAK a.s. to establish an internal whistleblower system, i.e., an anonymous whistleblower platform through which any case of a legal breach can be reported.

As an employee or business partner, you can report any suspected offence or serious legal violation to us. You can decide to give your name or remain completely anonymous. but will remain protected under all circumstances. It is important to provide as much information as possible to help facilitate the necessary investigation process and conclusion.

Providing us with your contact details will enable us to follow-up and notify you of the examination outcome.

Please be aware that this system must not be used to deliberately provide false or defamatory information. Such abuse of the system could have serious consequences for the accused person(s) and tie up valuable human resources.



Areas to be covered by the notifiable infringement under Directive 2019/1937

// Financial services, due diligence and other assurance services, financial products and financial markets
// Corporate income tax
// Metal fabrication
// Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
// Consumer protection
// Compliance with product requirements, including product safety
// Shipment, transport and road traffic safety
// Environmental protection
// Food and feed safety and animal health and welfare
// Radiation protection and nuclear safety
// Competition, public auctions and public procurement
// Protection of internal order and security, life and health
// Protection of personal data, privacy and security of electronic communications networks and information systems
// Protection of the financial interests of the European Union
// The functioning of the internal market, including the protection of competition and state aid under EU law.



What is the reporting platform not intended for?

The reporting platform is not intended for matters that should ideally be discussed with your supervisor or the person concerned, such as:
// minor offences (e.g. minor rule violations)
// suggestions for improvement
// personal disagreements with other employees



How can I make a report?

You can submit notifications (in accordance with Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on protection of whistleblowers) related to the activities of JP - PROLAK a.s. in writing or orally, via the contacts listed below, or in person (by appointment).

This company has joined the Don't Let It Be (NNTB) initiative.

How does NNTB work?

Your message is sent directly to the company, the specific persons in charge, so we can resolve the matter together.

The advantage of the NNTB initiative is that it enables you to send us a text message or upload a message and, even if you choose to remain anonymous, we can then respond to your message and address it proactively.

You can send us your suggestions via the following link: https://nntb.cz/c/4uxxyzgg.

You can also use the app that is available on Google Play and App Store to communicate.

The access code for sending a message is: xxhpPwF5gy.

Submit a notification

Online formulář


Podejte oznámení e-mailem na oznameni@prolak.cz
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Podejte oznámení telefonicky na tel. č. +420 463 034 624

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